What are the court system and PennDOT hiding from you?
What do you mean I’m guilty of driving without a license because of a DUI suspension?? I finished my probation and paid my fines for that that years ago!
I’ve learned in my own experience over the course of years that lots of attorneys, the court system and PennDOT have needlessly created, or at least negligently allowed, droves of people to fall into the never-ending trap of being convicted for driving on a suspended license thanks to a prior DUI.
If you’ve had a DUI conviction in your life, its not the end of the world and you’re certainly not alone. Is it stupid and irresponsible to get a DUI, especially these days? Yes. But it still happens and lots of people who have been convicted for DUI go on with their lives and everything turns out fine. The trouble is, when you’ve received a DUI conviction, your attorney says, “great I’m glad we resolved this and best of luck to you,” the judge says, “you get six months probation, fines, and you get a suspended license for (x amount of time), and PennDOT mails you a letter saying, “you have to surrender your license to us within x days.”
Do you know what is missing from what everyone one of those folks have told you? Your license is, for all intents and purposes, suspended forever! No, its not literally suspended forever but most people assume that when the suspension period ends (typically after a year) that they just have their license back. The truth is you don’t get that license back automatically. You need to reapply for your license from PennDOT and not until you have a new license in hand are you legally able to drive again. Further, you can’t get your license back until your suspension period is over and all outstanding court fines are paid off.
So, what do you do? Pay off all your court costs and stay connected with PennDOT to be sure you’re doing everything you have to do to get your license back. If you’re having problems, my advice is to call me ASAP. Pietropaolo Law can be reached at 412 407 3880 by call and text.
Be safe, be smart, and be prepared,
Domenic Pietropaolo, Esq.